In today’s fast paced world, pancakes are a great way to slow down. Each pancake needs to cook for a minute on each side. During that minute, you have to stay close – you can’t go off and do something else. It’s a great time to think. The mind wanders about this and that as the bubbles rise to the surface of the pancake. It’s a peaceful moment with nothing to do except wait for the next flip.

I cherish these pancake moments. I love to image that I’m living in the country and I’ve just completed the morning chores – nothing to do but think. I think about how nice the weather is and how interesting it is to be alive.
Today, I thought about how much we consume. Why do I feel the urge to browse Amazon for new things? Why isn’t what I have sufficient? I am addicted to that small burst of happiness when the next Amazon package arrives. But like pancakes, there’s no need to rush – slow down and enjoy the current moment.