This post was moved from the now no-longer-existent Brandonsoft developers blog and was originally written on August 11, 2012.
Over the summer, I have been busy reading various books. Of course, with all books, there are very memorable quotes within these books. Often times, I would post these quotes to Facebook and watch as hilarity ensues as my friends argue about the topic. Here are some of the quotes that I found particularly interesting:
What you alter in remembering has yet a reality, known or not.
-The Road by Cormac McCarthy
There is no God and we are his prophets.
-The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Only in the best of possible worlds is all for the best.
-Candide by Voltaire
These quotes are not only memorable because they address topics that are highly controversial, but they also do so very elegantly, giving them a profound sense of enlightenment. Plus, all three quotes contain very powerful messages.