Announcing SourceGetter

Recently during University of California, San Diego’s quarterly Beginner’s Programming Competition, it was asked whether we could automate the scoring process. That is, we hand out balloons to contestants that complete a certain number of problems. Using hackerrank as our competition management solution, we wanted to know if there was a way to get the scores of people from the hackerrank leaderboard. Hackerrank, having an outdated and incomplete API, was perfect for web scraping.

Basically, web scraping is useful whenever you need information from a webpage, but they do not have an official way to access that information. So, a script is created that acts like a normal user browsing the web and “scrapes” information from the webpage. Usually, this is not a problem – send an HTTP GET request to a webpage with a utility like cURL and then parse the returned source code.

The problem lies when the website is written using a dynamic-rendering language, such as Javascript. Tools like cURL do not wait for the page to render and just return the static content that would always be displayed. This is where SourceGetter comes into play.

SourceGetter is a simple node servlet running PhantomJS that renders a URL passed via a URL parameter and returns the rendered source code. Thus, if you simply use cURL through the SourceGetter servlet, you will get the rendered code.

In order to use it, take a look at the following examples:

Getting the source code of

Getting the source code of

Basically, the servlet runs on port 3000 of this website,, and thus all HTTP GET requests need to be sent through here. Don’t worry, we’re not tracking any of your data. Everything is serve-and-forget. Here is a bit of useful information:


Getting the rendered source code of a URL


Getting the rendered source code of a URL under HTTPS

Putting a “+” in front of the URL indicates that you want the web page to be summoned under the HTTPS protocol.

Getting the rendered source code of a web-page with slashes

Simply replace the slashes with “+” signs.



Getting the rendered source for


Getting the rendered source for



Hopefully you enjoy this product. If you have any questions or comments, please ask!

Fibonacci Numbers in Rust

One of the things that always interests me about a new language is the creation of Fibonacci numbers. It’s a great way to practice a language. As such, since I am learning Rust, I made a Fibonacci number generator in rust. Here is the code, if you’re interested:

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use std::io;
fn main() {
loop {
println!("Enter the term that you want to generate!");
let mut term = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut term)
.expect("Failed to read line!");
// convert string to int
let term: usize = match term.trim().parse() {
Ok(num) => num,
Err(_) => {
println!("Please enter a valid number!");
// Get the fib term
let mut fib_number = get_fib_term_dynamic(term);
println!("Dynamic Term number {} is {}",term, fib_number);
fib_number = get_fib_term_recursive(term);
println!("Recursive term number {} is {}", term, fib_number);
fn get_fib_term_recursive(term: usize) -> u32 {
match term {
0 => 0,
1 => 1,
_ => get_fib_term_recursive(term-1) + get_fib_term_recursive(term-2),
fn get_fib_term_dynamic(term: usize) -> u32 {
let mut v = vec![0u32, 1];
for i in 2..(term+1) {
let sum = v[i-1] + v[i-2];
return v[term];
fn it_works() {
assert!(get_fib_term_recursive(5) == 5);
assert!(get_fib_term_recursive(6) == 8);
assert!(get_fib_term_dynamic(5) == 5);
assert!(get_fib_term_dynamic(6) == 8);
use std::io; fn main() { loop { println!("Enter the term that you want to generate!"); let mut term = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut term) .ok() .expect("Failed to read line!"); // convert string to int let term: usize = match term.trim().parse() { Ok(num) => num, Err(_) => { println!("Please enter a valid number!"); continue; } }; // Get the fib term let mut fib_number = get_fib_term_dynamic(term); println!("Dynamic Term number {} is {}",term, fib_number); fib_number = get_fib_term_recursive(term); println!("Recursive term number {} is {}", term, fib_number); } } fn get_fib_term_recursive(term: usize) -> u32 { match term { 0 => 0, 1 => 1, _ => get_fib_term_recursive(term-1) + get_fib_term_recursive(term-2), } } fn get_fib_term_dynamic(term: usize) -> u32 { let mut v = vec![0u32, 1]; for i in 2..(term+1) { let sum = v[i-1] + v[i-2]; v.push(sum); } return v[term]; } #[test] fn it_works() { assert!(get_fib_term_recursive(5) == 5); assert!(get_fib_term_recursive(6) == 8); assert!(get_fib_term_dynamic(5) == 5); assert!(get_fib_term_dynamic(6) == 8); }
use std::io;

fn main() {
    loop {
        println!("Enter the term that you want to generate!");

        let mut term = String::new();
        io::stdin().read_line(&mut term)
            .expect("Failed to read line!");

        // convert string to int
        let term: usize = match term.trim().parse() {
            Ok(num) => num,
            Err(_) => {
                println!("Please enter a valid number!");

        // Get the fib term
        let mut fib_number = get_fib_term_dynamic(term);
        println!("Dynamic Term number {} is {}",term, fib_number);
        fib_number = get_fib_term_recursive(term);
        println!("Recursive term number {} is {}", term, fib_number);


fn get_fib_term_recursive(term: usize) -> u32 {
    match term {
        0 =>  0,
        1 =>  1,
        _ => get_fib_term_recursive(term-1) + get_fib_term_recursive(term-2),

fn get_fib_term_dynamic(term: usize) -> u32 {
    let mut v = vec![0u32, 1];

    for i in 2..(term+1) {
        let sum = v[i-1] + v[i-2];
    return v[term];

fn it_works() {
    assert!(get_fib_term_recursive(5) == 5);
    assert!(get_fib_term_recursive(6) == 8);
    assert!(get_fib_term_dynamic(5) == 5);
    assert!(get_fib_term_dynamic(6) == 8);

You can also view the gist here

Of course, this code also serves as a great way to show that dynamic programming is a much better way to solve for Fibonacci terms.

Building Tic-Tac-Toe in Rust: rustic_tac_toe

When learning a new language, it’s always great to make fun little games. Not only are they rewarding, but they also allow you to quickly learn paradigms of that language. I decided to build Tic-Tac-Toe. Luckily, Rust combines nicely with the name of this game. Rustic-Tac-Toe.

The first thing we want to do is think about the design of our game. I decided to go with a simple 9-slot array that would keep track of the 9 spots of the Tic-Tac-Toe board. This array would be filled with characters to keep track of the symbols entered. At first, however, it could be filled with numbers representing each slot in order to allow the user to pick their slots. Something like this:

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fn main() {
let zero_ascii = 48;
let default_char = '-';
// Step one, create board:
let mut board = [default_char; 9];
for i in 0..9 {
board[i] = (i + zero_ascii) as u8 as char;
fn main() { let zero_ascii = 48; let default_char = '-'; // Step one, create board: let mut board = [default_char; 9]; for i in 0..9 { board[i] = (i + zero_ascii) as u8 as char; } }
fn main() {
    let zero_ascii = 48;
    let default_char = '-';

    // Step one, create board:
    let mut board = [default_char; 9];
    for i in 0..9 {
        board[i] = (i + zero_ascii) as u8 as char;

The two most challenging parts about this particular block of code happen to be dealing with integer to char conversions. First of all, Rust didn’t seem to like doing something like
i + '0' , so I went ahead and looked up the ASCII value for the 0 character and manually added that in. If there is an easier way to do this, I would appreciate the commentary!

Also, casting from a for loop’s usize variable into a char is a little tricky, as in order to call as char , you need to have a u8 . So first, we cast the usize to a u8 and then to a char. All of that mumbo-jumbo allows us to fill the board with numbers corresponding to the slots. So far, nothing too challenging.

Next up, we want to give the user some way to interact with the board. We want to display the board to the user and have them pick a number. In order to do this, we make a nice print_board function, as such:

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fn print_board(board: [char; 9]) {
for i in 0..9 {
print!("{} ", board[i]);
if i > 0 && (i+1) % 3 == 0 {
fn print_board(board: [char; 9]) { for i in 0..9 { print!("{} ", board[i]); if i > 0 && (i+1) % 3 == 0 { println!(""); } } }
fn print_board(board: [char; 9]) {
    for i in 0..9 {
        print!("{} ", board[i]);
        if i > 0 && (i+1) % 3 == 0 {

Nothing too complicated about this at all. We essentially print the elements of the board separated by spaces, and make a new line after every third entry, signalling the end of a row. This is done with mod math and a greater-than-0 check, since 0 % 3 == 0 will return true.

Another intermediate step we need to do is make some function to determine whether or not our game of Rustic-tac-toe is over. This will allow the user to repeatedly fill the board without having to restart the program every time. I’m sure there’s a much better way to do this, but here’s what I came up with:

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fn someone_has_won(board: [char;9]) -> (bool, char) {
if board[0] == board[1] && board[1] == board[2] {
return (true, board[0]);
} else if board[3] == board[4] && board[4] == board[5] {
return (true, board[3]);
} else if board[6] == board[7] && board[7] == board[8] {
return (true, board[6]);
} else if board[0] == board[3] && board[3] == board[6] {
return (true, board[0]);
} else if board[1] == board[4] && board[4] == board[7] {
return (true, board[1]);
} else if board[2] == board[5] && board[5] == board[8] {
return (true, board[2]);
} else if board[0] == board[4] && board[4] == board[8] {
return (true, board[0]);
} else if board[2] == board[4] && board[4] == board[6] {
return (true, board[2]);
} else {
return (false, '-');
fn someone_has_won(board: [char;9]) -> (bool, char) { if board[0] == board[1] && board[1] == board[2] { return (true, board[0]); } else if board[3] == board[4] && board[4] == board[5] { return (true, board[3]); } else if board[6] == board[7] && board[7] == board[8] { return (true, board[6]); } else if board[0] == board[3] && board[3] == board[6] { return (true, board[0]); } else if board[1] == board[4] && board[4] == board[7] { return (true, board[1]); } else if board[2] == board[5] && board[5] == board[8] { return (true, board[2]); } else if board[0] == board[4] && board[4] == board[8] { return (true, board[0]); } else if board[2] == board[4] && board[4] == board[6] { return (true, board[2]); } else { return (false, '-'); } }
fn someone_has_won(board: [char;9]) -> (bool, char) {
    if board[0] == board[1] && board[1] == board[2] {
        return (true, board[0]);
    } else if board[3] == board[4] && board[4] == board[5] {
        return (true, board[3]);
    } else if board[6] == board[7] && board[7] == board[8] {
        return (true, board[6]);
    } else if board[0] == board[3] && board[3] == board[6] {
        return (true, board[0]);
    } else if board[1] == board[4] && board[4] == board[7] {
        return (true, board[1]);
    } else if board[2] == board[5] && board[5] == board[8] {
        return (true, board[2]);
    } else if board[0] == board[4] && board[4] == board[8] {
        return (true, board[0]);
    } else if board[2] == board[4] && board[4] == board[6] {
        return (true, board[2]);
    } else {
        return (false, '-');

This function basically checks to see if a column or row contains all three of the same characters. It also checks the diagonal options. When it finds a win condition, it returns a tuple containing whether or not someone has won and who won. This allows for some flexibility. If no one has won yet, we just return a tuple with false and some character we don’t care about.

The final step to pull this game together is to implement a loop where the user can input a number and have the updated board printed to them! Basically, the loop displays the board, gets the results, asks the user for his input, makes sure the input is valid, and then displays the new board. The basic structure of the loop, then, will look like this:

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let mut results = someone_has_won(board);
while !results.0 {
// do stuff
print_board(board); let mut results = someone_has_won(board); while !results.0 { // do stuff }
let mut results = someone_has_won(board);
while !results.0 {
    // do stuff

Pretty simple. We print the board, set a mutable variable to keep track of whether or not someone has won, and then start the while loop. The loop will keep on going until someone has won.  But what if no one wins? What if it is a tie? (So called, ‘Cats game’). This will occur when we are still in the loop (So no one has won yet), but all the spots are filled with symbols (No spots are their default values). Thus, we can check that using a method similar to when we created the board. We create a new function as such:

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fn cats_game(board: [char;9] ) -> bool {
for i in 0..board.len() {
if board[i] == (i + 48) as u8 as char {
return false;
return true;
fn cats_game(board: [char;9] ) -> bool { for i in 0..board.len() { if board[i] == (i + 48) as u8 as char { return false; } } return true; }
fn cats_game(board: [char;9] ) -> bool {
    for i in 0..board.len() {
        if board[i] == (i +  48) as u8 as char {
            return false;
    return true;

I notice that most of my functions have explicit return calls, which I read somewhere in the documentation is bad style. I’m going to keep it, though, since I don’t really understand how the alternative works quite yet. Now we just need to add this “Cats Game” check into our main loop:

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while !results.0 {
if cats_game(board) {
println!("Cats game. Nobody wins!");
while !results.0 { if cats_game(board) { println!("Cats game. Nobody wins!"); break; } }
  while !results.0 {
        if cats_game(board) {
            println!("Cats game. Nobody wins!");

Fantastic. The next step is to get the user’s input. We will allow the user to always go first (There will be another player which I will introduce later. So, we ask the user for his input and then grab it from Stdin using the std::io library. Thus, we need to first use std::io; . Once that’s done, we can add the retrieval of user input into our loop.

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while !results.0 {
if cats_game(board) {
println!("Cats game. Nobody wins!");
// Step two, ask where the user wants to place their X.
println!("Where would you like to place an 'X'?");
let mut answer = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut answer)
.expect("Error reading line");
let answer:usize = match answer.trim().parse() {
Ok(num) => num,
Err(_) => 10,
if answer > (board.len() - 1) {
println!("You cannot place something there!");
while !results.0 { if cats_game(board) { println!("Cats game. Nobody wins!"); break; } // Step two, ask where the user wants to place their X. println!("Where would you like to place an 'X'?"); let mut answer = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut answer) .ok() .expect("Error reading line"); let answer:usize = match answer.trim().parse() { Ok(num) => num, Err(_) => 10, }; if answer > (board.len() - 1) { println!("You cannot place something there!"); continue; } }
 while !results.0 {
        if cats_game(board) {
            println!("Cats game. Nobody wins!");

        // Step two, ask where the user wants to place their X.
        println!("Where would you like to place an 'X'?");
        let mut answer = String::new();
        io::stdin().read_line(&mut answer)
            .expect("Error reading line");

        let answer:usize = match answer.trim().parse() {
            Ok(num) => num,
            Err(_) => 10,

        if answer > (board.len() - 1) {
            println!("You cannot place something there!");

Woah! That seems like an unnecessarily large addition of code simply to get the user’s input. However, there is also some error checking done.  The first thing this code does is display a prompt. Then, we get the answer in the form of a mutable string. After this, we convert the string an a usize integer. We have to use a usize since we later want to use this variable binding to access an array element directly, and arrays seem to be indexed by usize. [1] If the answer cannot be converted into an integer, we give it a value of 10. This will cause it to fail the next check (Since 10 > 8, which is the board’s size less 1). This next check simply makes sure to check whether the user has entered a number within the board’s bounds. Since the answer is converted into an unsigned int, it is guaranteed to be greater than or equal to 0, so we are good there and only need to check one side.

If all of these checks have completed successfully, we can go ahead and check to see if the spot is open on the board. This can be done with a match statement, as seen below:

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match board {
'X' => {
println!("You have already placed something there!");
'O' => {
println!("There is already something placed there!");
_ => {
board = 'X';
results = someone_has_won(board);
match board { 'X' => { println!("You have already placed something there!"); continue; } 'O' => { println!("There is already something placed there!"); continue; } _ => { board = 'X'; print_board(board); results = someone_has_won(board); } }
match board {
        'X' => {
            println!("You have already placed something there!");
        'O' => {
            println!("There is already something placed there!");
         _ => {
            board = 'X';
            results = someone_has_won(board);

Basically, this match statement checks to see if the current position has an X or an O in it. (The player will be placing X’s and the AI player will be placing Os). If the slot that the user has requested has something in it already, we display a message and then continue at the top of the while loop, displaying a prompt and starting the whole get-input process all over again. If this isn’t the case and the spot on the board is indeed empty, we can add an X to that spot, print the new board, and then get a new “results” variable which will be used to check the while condition.

That’s it! We basically have a single-player tic-tac-toe built. This is great if you fancy playing by yourself with zero opposition. But our goal is to make something that is playable and relatively fun, so we are going to add an AI player. In our game, the player will go first and the AI will go second. Keeping this in mind, the AI needs to have a turn after each player turn. Assuming a cats game, this results in a turn pattern of Player, AI, Player, AI, Player, AI, Player, AI, Player. That is, the player goes first and last and takes exactly 5 turns. In order to prevent the AI from taking a final, extra turn, we will also implement a turn counter that prevents the AI from moving if the player just made their 5th turn. We add this to the beginning of our main:

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let zero_ascii = 48;
let default_char = '-';
let last_turn = 5;
let zero_ascii = 48; let default_char = '-'; let last_turn = 5;
let zero_ascii = 48;                                                        
let default_char = '-';                                                     
let last_turn = 5;

And we add a turn counter right before our while:

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let mut results = someone_has_won(board);
let mut turn = 1;
let mut results = someone_has_won(board); let mut turn = 1;
let mut results = someone_has_won(board);                                   
let mut turn = 1;

Now, every time the player takes a turn, we increment the turn counter and have the AI move if it is not the last turn. Thus, we alter the move line to look as such:

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board = 'X';
if turn < last_turn {
ai_move(&mut board);
results = someone_has_won(board);
turn = turn + 1;
board = 'X'; if turn < last_turn { ai_move(&mut board); } print_board(board); results = someone_has_won(board); turn = turn + 1;
board = 'X';                                            
if turn < last_turn {                                           
    ai_move(&mut board);                                        
results = someone_has_won(board);                               
turn = turn + 1;

This block of code also introduces a new function, the ai_move function. Basically, we want this function to process the entirety of the AI’s move. That is, it analyzes the board, looks for a spot, and then places the O. Since it will ultimately alter the board, we need to pass a mutable reference to the function. The &amp; symbol creates a reference, and the mut keyword makes sure that the reference is mutable. Now we need to create the function:

We want to accomplish two things with our function. We want to make our AI player fairly good at playing tic-tac-toe, but we also want to give the player a chance, so we also want to make him quite terrible. Why not both? We will go ahead and randomly decide whether the AI should analyze the board and choose a spot accordingly or if the AI should just randomly choose an open spot. Since the latter is easier, we will do that first. We can go ahead and rely on Rust’s rand crate for the random number generation. In order to do so, we add the following to our Cargo.toml:

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rand = "*"
[dependencies] rand = "*"
rand = "*"

Now, next time we run cargo build, it will download the latest version of the rand crate and make it available for use. We also have to tell our program to utilize this crate as well, by putting

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extern crate rand;
use rand::Rng;
extern crate rand; use rand::Rng;
extern crate rand;
use rand::Rng;

at the top of our program. The first imports the external crate, as it would suggest. The second line allows us to easily make random number generation calls. Then, we can go ahead and make use of the rand::thread_rng::gen function that will simply generate a random boolean. This will allow us to decide (in a much unbiased fashion) whether our AI should act smart or not. Thus, the code looks like:

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let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
if rng.gen() {
// Do a good move
else {
// Do a random move
let mut num: usize = rng.gen_range(0, 9);
while board[num] == 'X' || board[num] == 'O' {
num = rng.gen_range(0, 9);
board[num] = 'O';
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); if rng.gen() { // Do a good move else { // Do a random move let mut num: usize = rng.gen_range(0, 9); while board[num] == 'X' || board[num] == 'O' { num = rng.gen_range(0, 9); } board[num] = 'O'; return; }
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();                                           
if rng.gen() {                                                              
        // Do a good move          
else {                                                                      
        // Do a random move                                                     
        let mut num: usize = rng.gen_range(0, 9);                               
        while board[num] == 'X' || board[num] == 'O' {                          
            num = rng.gen_range(0, 9);                                          
        board[num] = 'O';                                                       

The first thing this code does is create a mutable variable binding that will allow us to generate random things. We can then use the gen function in order to generate a random boolean. If this boolean is false, we will generate a random number in the range of 0-9 until we find a random spot that is empty. Once we find a spot that’s empty, we set it to an O and then quit the function. Pretty simple!

Now comes the challenging part: designing an AI that plays the game well. Basically, the AI will perform several steps.


  1. If there are two X’s in a row, the player is about to win, so block the about-to-be-win.
  2. If the middle spot is not taken, take it.
  3. If there is no immediate threat, put a O next to any other O’s in order to try and win.
  4. If none of these options are available, place an O anywhere, it doesn’t really matter.

As you can see, our AI is a lot more defensive than offensive – but that’s okay. The best offense is a good defense – or so I’ve been told. So let’s design some sort of code that checks for any 2 Xs in a row. In order to give the player a chance (and make coding a bit easier), we will ignore diagonals. You can implement them on your own if you’d like, but I am going to ignore them. Thus, all we need to do is look at each row, count the number of Xs. If it is 2, place a O in the empty spot in that row. Then, do this with the columns. In order to do this, we can use an elegant double-for design, as seen below:

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// First, we check to see if there are any two X's in a row so
// that we can defend.
for i in 0..3{
let mut rowCount = 0;
for j in 0..3 {
if board[j + 3*i] == 'X' {
rowCount = rowCount + 1;
if rowCount == 2 {
for j in 0..3 {
if board[j + 3*i] != 'X' && board[j + 3*i] != 'O' {
board[j + 3*i] = 'O';
// First, we check to see if there are any two X's in a row so // that we can defend. for i in 0..3{ let mut rowCount = 0; for j in 0..3 { if board[j + 3*i] == 'X' { rowCount = rowCount + 1; } } if rowCount == 2 { for j in 0..3 { if board[j + 3*i] != 'X' && board[j + 3*i] != 'O' { board[j + 3*i] = 'O'; return; } } } }
// First, we check to see if there are any two X's in a row so      
// that we can defend.                                              
for i in 0..3{                                                      
    let mut rowCount = 0;                                           
    for j in 0..3 {                                                 
        if board[j + 3*i] == 'X' {                                  
            rowCount = rowCount + 1;                                
    if rowCount == 2 {                                              
        for j in 0..3 {                                             
            if board[j + 3*i] != 'X' && board[j + 3*i] != 'O' {     
                board[j + 3*i] = 'O';                               

It is a little challenging to implement a nice for-loop check since our single dimensional array doesn’t really do 2D space justice. However, we deal with it by knowing that there are 3 elements in a row and each elements neighbor is one added to its own index. Thus, we scroll through each row with i and then allow j to iterate through the columns, adding 1 to the rowCount is an X exists. Then, if 2 Xs do indeed exist in that row (staying inside the i for loop since i watches the rows), we again look through the columns. If we find an empty column, we place a O there. This could have probably been compacted so that we were looking for empty spaces while counting Xs…

Now, we do the same thing for the columns:

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// Now we check columns
for i in 0..3 {
let mut columnCount = 0;
for j in 0..3 {
if board[i + 3*j] == 'X' {
columnCount = columnCount + 1;
if columnCount == 2 {
for j in 0..3 {
if board[i + 3*j] != 'X' && board[i + 3*j] != 'O' {
board[i + 3*j] = 'O';
// Now we check columns for i in 0..3 { let mut columnCount = 0; for j in 0..3 { if board[i + 3*j] == 'X' { columnCount = columnCount + 1; } } if columnCount == 2 { for j in 0..3 { if board[i + 3*j] != 'X' && board[i + 3*j] != 'O' { board[i + 3*j] = 'O'; return; } } }
// Now we check columns                                             
for i in 0..3 {                                                     
    let mut columnCount = 0;                                        
    for j in 0..3 {                                                 
        if board[i + 3*j] == 'X' {                                  
            columnCount = columnCount + 1;                          
    if columnCount == 2 {                                           
        for j in 0..3 {                                             
            if board[i + 3*j] != 'X' && board[i + 3*j] != 'O' {     
                board[i + 3*j] = 'O';                               

The main logic of the column-checking functionality is exactly the same as the row-checking functionality. The only difference is that we use a different method to iterate through. Instead of i being the rows and j being the columns, we swap their roles. Noting that there are 3 slots in each column, we iterate through each column with i and let j iterate through the rows. We multiply j by 3 since in our single dimension array, the item in the row below another item has an index of 3 added to the index of the above item.

And with that, the first step is complete. We now block any attempts by X to win the game (except for diagonals). The next step is to take the middle spot if it is available. This is a very easy feature to implement (compared to our last chunk of code). Keep in mind that the index of the middle spot in our 1D array is 4. The code is:

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if board[4] != 'X' && board[4] != 'O' {
board[4] = 'O';
if board[4] != 'X' && board[4] != 'O' { board[4] = 'O'; return; }
if board[4] != 'X' && board[4] != 'O' {                                 
    board[4] = 'O';                                                     

That’s it! How simple! We be sure to return whenever we place a O in the board in order to avoid further execution of other board-checking-and-placing code. Step 2 complete.

The next step is a long one. Basically, we look for an O already existing on the board. If there is one, we find a spot adjacent to it, check to make sure nothing is there, and then place our O. Checking for an open adjacent spot to another spot on our board is a problem all on its own since our array is misrepresentative. What if we wanted a spot adjacent to the spot with an index of 2? Easy, right? They’re the spots with indices of 3 and 1!. Wrong. Since we chose to represent our board in a 1D array, slot 3 would actually be the first entry in the next row. Thus, we need to individually consider all the spots on the board. Here’s some code to do just that:

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fn get_available_adjacent(board: [char;9], spot: usize) -> usize {
if spot == 4 {
if board[2] != 'X' && board[2] != 'O' {
return 2;
else if board[0] != 'X' && board[0] != 'O' {
return 0;
else if board[6] != 'X' && board[6] != 'O' {
return 6;
else if board[8] != 'X' && board[8] != 'O' {
return 8;
if spot + 3 < board.len() {
if board[spot + 3] != 'X' && board[spot + 3] != 'O' {
return spot + 3;
else if (spot as isize - 3) >= 0 {
if board[spot - 3] != 'X' && board[spot - 3] != 'O' {
return spot - 3;
else if ((spot + 1) / 3) == (spot / 3) {
if spot + 1 < board.len() {
if board[spot + 1] != 'X' && board[spot + 1] != 'O' {
return spot + 1;
else if ((spot -1) / 3) == (spot / 3) {
if board[spot - 1] != 'X' && board[spot - 1] != 'O' {
return spot - 1;
for i in 0..board.len() {
if board[i] != 'X' && board[i] != 'O' {
return i;
return 10;
fn get_available_adjacent(board: [char;9], spot: usize) -> usize { if spot == 4 { if board[2] != 'X' && board[2] != 'O' { return 2; } else if board[0] != 'X' && board[0] != 'O' { return 0; } else if board[6] != 'X' && board[6] != 'O' { return 6; } else if board[8] != 'X' && board[8] != 'O' { return 8; } } if spot + 3 < board.len() { if board[spot + 3] != 'X' && board[spot + 3] != 'O' { return spot + 3; } } else if (spot as isize - 3) >= 0 { if board[spot - 3] != 'X' && board[spot - 3] != 'O' { return spot - 3; } } else if ((spot + 1) / 3) == (spot / 3) { if spot + 1 < board.len() { if board[spot + 1] != 'X' && board[spot + 1] != 'O' { return spot + 1; } } } else if ((spot -1) / 3) == (spot / 3) { if board[spot - 1] != 'X' && board[spot - 1] != 'O' { return spot - 1; } } for i in 0..board.len() { if board[i] != 'X' && board[i] != 'O' { return i; } } return 10; }
fn get_available_adjacent(board: [char;9], spot: usize) -> usize {              
if spot == 4 {                                                              
    if board[2]  != 'X' && board[2] != 'O' {                                
        return 2;                                                           
    else if board[0] != 'X' && board[0] != 'O' {                            
        return 0;                                                           
    else if board[6] != 'X' && board[6] != 'O' {                            
        return 6;                                                           
    else if board[8] != 'X' && board[8] != 'O' {                            
        return 8;                                                           
if spot + 3 < board.len() {                                                 
    if board[spot + 3] != 'X' && board[spot + 3] != 'O' {                   
        return spot + 3;                                                    
else if (spot as isize - 3) >= 0 {                                          
    if board[spot - 3] != 'X' && board[spot - 3] != 'O' {                   
        return spot - 3;                                                    
else if ((spot + 1) / 3) == (spot / 3) {                                    
    if spot + 1 < board.len() {                                             
        if board[spot + 1] != 'X' && board[spot + 1] != 'O' {               
            return spot + 1;                                                
else if ((spot -1) / 3) == (spot / 3) {                                     
    if board[spot - 1] != 'X' && board[spot - 1] != 'O' {               
        return spot - 1;                                                
for i in 0..board.len() {                                                   
    if board[i] != 'X' && board[i] != 'O' {                                 
        return i;                                                           
return 10;                                                                  

Woah. That’s a really, really, really big chunk of code. Honestly, it could probably be much, much shorter if it was well-designed. However, what I chose to do, was look through every possible combination of spots adjacent to the provided parameter spot and return the first empty one. If there was no empty one, we return 10, which is larger than the size of the board and can be manually checked for later. If you have suggestions to improve this mess of a function, please, leave a comment! Essentially, this block solves two problems: It detects the spot that we can place an O in to complete step 3, and creates a condition for when step 4 should occur. We then call this function as such:

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let mut empty_spot = -1;
for i in 0..9 {
if board[i] == 'O' {
let new_spot = get_available_adjacent(*board, i);
if new_spot < board.len() {
board[new_spot] = 'O';
else if board[i] != 'X' {
empty_spot = i;
board[empty_spot] = 'O';
let mut empty_spot = -1; for i in 0..9 { if board[i] == 'O' { let new_spot = get_available_adjacent(*board, i); if new_spot < board.len() { board[new_spot] = 'O'; return; } } else if board[i] != 'X' { empty_spot = i; } } board[empty_spot] = 'O';
let mut empty_spot = -1;                                            
for i in 0..9 {                                                     
    if board[i] == 'O' {                                            
        let new_spot = get_available_adjacent(*board, i);           
            if new_spot < board.len() {                                 
                board[new_spot] = 'O';                                  
     else if board[i] != 'X' {                                       
         empty_spot = i;                                             
board[empty_spot] = 'O';                                            

We create a mutable variable-binding that allows us to keep track of what spot we should put our O in. Then, we look through every spot in the board. If the spot already has an O in it, then we know that we need to place a new O adjacent to it. We then call the new function we created to get this adjacent slot. If it returns a valid slot, we set the slot. We also keep track of the last empty spot we saw, just in case we weren’t able to find an adjacent location. Then, if we go through the entire board without finding a good spot with our get_available_adjacent function, we set the empty spot we found as a backup to be O. And with that, step 3 and 4 are complete.

And that also concludes the entirety of Rustic-Tac-Toe. Playing it results in a fun experience where the player wins most of the time; however, the difficulty can easily be increased by adding in checks for diagonal wins and by decreasing the probability of choosing a random location. The latter can be done by making two calls to the random-boolean chooser instead of just one. Something like this:

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if !rng.gen() || !rng.gen() {
// smart move
else {
// random move
if !rng.gen() || !rng.gen() { // smart move } else { // random move }
if !rng.gen() || !rng.gen() {
    // smart move
else {
    // random move

This would decrease the probability that a random move is taken and increase the difficulty of the AI.

I hope that you enjoyed this little tutorial! You can view the entire source of the project as a gist or download the entire project as a .zip here.

Using Variable Bindings as Array Indices in Rust

Today marks the first day that I’ve begun my journey with Rust 1.0. So far, I’m loving it. However, there are some parts that can be very confusing.

While trying to make a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game, I came across a problem where I could not find the correct type for array indices. I wasn’t sure where to look in the documentation, but I ended up finally finding the solution. If you were wondering, array indices must be of type usize. Here is the code example I was using for reference,

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let mut answer = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut answer)
.expect("Error reading line");
let answer:usize = match answer.trim().parse() {
Ok(num) => num,
Err(_) => 0,
board = 'X';
let mut answer = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut answer) .ok() .expect("Error reading line"); let answer:usize = match answer.trim().parse() { Ok(num) => num, Err(_) => 0, }; board = 'X';
let mut answer = String::new();                                             
io::stdin().read_line(&mut answer)                                          
    .expect("Error reading line");                                          
let answer:usize = match answer.trim().parse() {                            
     Ok(num) => num,                                                         
     Err(_) => 0,                                                            
 board = 'X';

People are Selfish

If you have even remotely been following my blog, which I admit you probably shouldn’t be doing, you’d know that I am kind of obsessed with Dan Ariely’s The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty [1]. Well, this book has a way of making me think for myself. Every passage, every word, every letter [2] I find myself analyzing the author’s words and thinking about possible flaws or counterarguments. While doing this, I am able to understand the material better. It is really magnificent.

Of course, this is no text book, but rather a summary of fantastic research findings. Nonetheless, having never taken a psychology course, I find this book to be both very interesting and very informative.

One of the final arguments that Ariely makes is one that struck me as a little off, however. He claims that people cheat in excess whenever they know that their cheating behavior will be completely altruistic – It only helps others [3]. Here is a direct excerpt:

I think that when both we and another person stand to benefit from our dishonesty, we operate out of a mix of selfish and altruistic motives. In contrast, when other people, and only other people, stand to benefit from our cheating, we find it far easier to rationalize our bad behavior in truly altruistic ways and subsequently we further relax our moral inhibitions.

To be clear, I do not disagree with the argument that Ariely makes. I very much believe that altruistic actions are more susceptible to cheating than most other actions. I have, for instance, seen many students throughout my education career blatantly cheat and give others answers, but feel no guilt because it is only benefiting someone else. I disagree, however, with how Ariely came to that conclusion.

Basically, the experiment was set up in a way where two people had to each complete a task wherein they would be rewarded for their reported performance. How is this performance calculated? The other person in the “group” would report your score. What Ariely found was that people overstated the performance of their group members by a large amount, thus indicating that they were willing to cheat for altruistic reasons.

Although this may seem correct on the surface, I believe that there is a different motive behind this course of action. Since after member A reports member B’s performance, member B reports member A’s performance in much the same way, there may be a selfish incentive for member A to overstate the performance of member B. This is mainly playing off of guilt.

You know that feeling when you get a large birthday gift from someone you don’t really know? Great. Now you have to buy them a large birthday gift in return. It’s the same principle. Member A knows that by blatantly overstating member B’s score, member B will, in turn, overstate member A’s score. Thus, it may be that one member is acting altruistically. However, I believe that it is even more likely that the member is acting in their own personal interest — guaranteeing that they will have a higher performance by acting in an altruistic manner.

In order to better test whether or not people act altruistically, the performance reporting section of the task may be arranged in such a way that neither member of the group gets to see how the other member reported performance. In this way, there will be no guarantee that by reporting “altruistically” is also beneficial to the reporter. [4]

Again, I’m not pointing out that Ariely’s argument is incorrect, but rather that there is more than one way to interpret the results of this particular experiment. Interpreting the results in this way may lead one to believe that people are not altruistic cheaters, but rather selfish cheaters.

1 Ariely, Dan. The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty. New York: Harper Perennial, 2012. Print.
2 okay maybe not so much every letter
3 Ariely, 232
4 Of course, it may be true that this is indeed the way that Ariely implemented the experiment. He did not mention much of the specifics of the experiment in the text, which leaves room for skepticism.